Friday, April 9, 2010

Fammocan is a “green” company

Fammocan is a company that did not start out with a “Green” or “Earth Friendly” mission in mind. We created this company based on a simple use for a common container that most people already have, we just found a better way to use it. Typically gun owners that have looked for waterproof and durable storage options for their handguns looked to plastic cases with foam inserts. Companies like “Pelican Cases”, “Northstar”, and “SKB” are some of the bigger names in gun cases and all of them rely on  plastic in the manufacture of their external case products. During the last 4 months of operation some of the things that we’ve been made aware of is the fact that Fammocan is indeed helping our “Green” friends due to the reusable efforts made to take a “waste” product of the military and reutilize it for gun storage that not only allows for waterproof and hard case durability but is 1/6th the cost of the previously mentioned companies product and it also saves someone from  having to go out and purchase a less eco-friendly plastic case.

Typical plastic gun cases from the other companies -

Don’t get us wrong, we understand the benefits that everyone sees in plastic products, easy to use, lightweight, sturdy…we also understand why these large companies opt for plastic construction of their products - ease of forming, reduced finishing, faster production, chemical resistance. All of which provides for a better bottom line for the company, we get it. But in the past 5 to 10 years there has been an overwhelming amount of companies that are touting their ability to provide an “earth friendly” product to the masses –  car companies are ALL making some kind of “Hybrid” car now, household cleaning agent producers, paint companies, paper towel, napkins, and tissue companies, hand soap and sanitizer companies are all making an effort to create an eco-friendly image and they're using that in their marketing efforts as well. A company that is using eco-friendly ingredients in their products won't hide what they put in it. If fact, they'll scream it, because they want you to know how safe and friendly their product is. Items like the ammonia free natural glass cleaner and organic shea butter have every ingredient proudly listed right on the label, and on the website because they want people to know that they absolutely do not want to harm the environment.

So, why shouldn’t we? Again, we did not start out with the intention to “corner the eco friendly shooters of the world” look, we still do use foam polyurethane in our main product design, we realize that our product alone is not eco friendly in-and-of-itself, but the combination of our product with a typical waste product will take the place of the manufacture of a similar plastic product and that will cut down on the harmful long term effects of that plastic manufacturing. Even if we have to do it one gun case at a time! ;)

Below are a few paragraphs highlighting the harm that plastic production creates.

Fabrication refers to any process that cuts, shapes, or otherwise forms a material into an end product. The type of fabrication method used to produce a particular item depends on a wide range of factors, including the products purpose, appearance, and available budget

 - Disadvantages of Plastic Fabrication -

Although plastic is useful for fabricating a wide range of parts, it also has its share of limitations as a production material. Aside from the all to well-known disadvantages of the postproduction issues such as litter and inability to biodegrade, the noxious substances emitted during the production of plastic are synthetic chemicals like ethylene oxide, benzene and xylenes. Besides hitting hard the eco-system, which is already fragile, these chemicals can cause an array of maladies ranging from birth defects to cancer, damage the nervous system and the immune system and also adversely affect the blood and the kidneys. And, many of these toxic substance are emitted during recycling of plastic, too.

Plastic causes serious damage to environment both during its production and disposal. So the only way to reduce the hazards of plastic is to reduce the use of plastic and thereby force a reduction in its production.

Like in the case of all other chemical substances, disposal of plastic is a myth. Once plastic is produced, the harm is done once and for all. Plastic defies any kind of attempt at disposal be it through recycling, burning, or landfilling.

When you recycle a hazard, you create a hazard. Recycling of a toxic waste merely puts the hazardous material back into the marketplace and, eventually, into the environment  thereby making no reduction in toxic use.

Since plastic does not undergo bacterial decomposition, landfilling using plastic would mean preserving the poison forever.

But can plastic be burned and thus its hazard got rid of? No way. When burned, plastic releases a host of poisonous chemicals into the air, including dioxin, the most toxic substance known to science.

Most of the previous information was taken from this article if you feel the need to read more about the harmful effects of plastic production –

The Fammocan product line enables every owner of a 50Cal or 30Cal ammo can to transform a simple everyday storage container into a fully realized waterproof handgun storage and range case. Thousands of ammo cans are sold at gun shows every weekend and there are currently tens of millions of them throughout the homes of gun owners across the US and Canada. We have created accessories for this ubiquitous container that are easy to use, effective and cost conscious. 

Fammocan offers a unique line of products with a simple, appealing design that makes any Fammocan item an attractive choice for any gun owner. This is the perfect product for existing ammo can owners who want to upgrade their cans with either the Foam Inserts and/or the CanCaddy. In addition, those who are looking to replace or upgrade their old gun case can do so as we offer a more original, inexpensive yet comprehensive approach – The Complete Can. Applications are almost limitless, since Fammocan products can be used by paintball and airsoft enthusiasts, artists and craftsman, fisherman, boaters, you name it! The Fammocan line has something for everyone. All Fammocan products are made in the USA.

Please check out our product in use on You Tube here -